I don't need Valentine's Day to make it all about LOVE

One of my favourite scientific advances in the last 20 years is the ability to take pictures of the brain and its circuitry in action and what this continues to teach us about how we are wired and therefore why we do what we do.

Anthropologist Helen Fisher is a leader in this area and has extensively studied what happens in the brain as it relates to love.  She has differentiated 3 types of love, that each have their own areas of the brain that light up.

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We develop defences to protect ourselves from all kinds of real and imagined pain that we have experienced over our lives. How impenetrable they are will be related to just how much we have had to defend ourselves in the past. Part of the attraction in the early stages of romantic love is that “falling in love” makes us feel like we don’t need our defences anymore. We feel we have finally found someone with whom we can be totally ourselves and our defences come down. As the relationship moves on, inevitably reality creeps in and our partners reveal themselves to be human after all and with being human comes the capacity to disappoint and cause pain. And the defences go back up again.

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Time with your Partner - Part 2

couple-talkingOk so you have rearranged your life to spend time with your partner – now what? I consider the time that you are connecting 1 on 1 to be extremely precious and not to be wasted so I have put together some ideas for getting the most out of this time.

Get to know your partner’s world and allow them to know yours.  When you first met your partner your time together was full of questions designed to get to know them – bring those questions back.  It is amazing how people change over time and if you don’t consistently check in with them you may be out of touch.  As with most things these days there is even an app created by the Gottman Institute, which provides a list of questions to help you out – they are a lot of fun (see the Gottman love maps app in the itunes store)

Share your feelings. When you tell your partner about your day or anything else, go that next level and tell them how you were feeling about what happened.  This adds more of you to your story because you are letting your partner know about events but also how they impacted you which is an important part of building intimacy.

Check in on your relationship.  Show that you care for your partner by wanting to be there for them.  Ask them if there is one thing today they would like you to do for your relationship and see if you can do it.  Talk about the things that are going well and those that you feel are being neglected.  A regular habit of doing this will make it much easier when there are difficult topics to discuss as you will have lots of practice but better yet it also provides a kind of early warning system to help you tackle the areas of neglect before they get big.  You can then work together on a plan.

Talk about your hopes and dreams.  Your partner cannot support you to reach them if they don’t know what they are.

Appreciate your partner and all the things they do for you, your family and your relationship.  Talk together about all the things you are grateful for in your lives. Let them know they are loved and cherished.

Have fun together: share jokes; laugh and generally be silly; play games that allow you to interact (watching tv does not count).  Exercising together can be fun.

Physically connect.  Kiss, hug, touch, rub, massage etc, alone or in combination with any of the above in a non-sexual way.

Make love. Don’t forget to include this as part of your connecting time as nothing else produces the bonding chemicals to the same level.

And just a point on what to avoid in this time: any discussions that usually lead to fights; logistics such as scheduling who is doing what with whom and when or chore allocation.  Book in times for these and put clear boundaries around them.  They are a necessary part of life but should not consume your time any more than necessary.  And if there are issues that never seem to get past the fight – get some help.

Doing these things will help you find a new level of joy in your partner and your relationship and make the 1 on 1 time so special that you will want to prioritise it over everything else no matter how busy you are.

photo credit marriageintimacyexpert.com

Time Together for a Healthy Relationship

time I was reading a book recently where the author, a leading Australian couple’s therapist, John Aiken, claims to have ended couples therapy sessions with couples who refuse to rearrange their schedule to spend 30 minutes per day one on one together.  As he says it is a waste of everyone’s time – if you don’t spend time together you are not going to have a relationship.  I understand his frustration and while I have never stopped seeing a couple because of it, the issue of time together has been a major challenge for many of my couples.

When a relationship has deteriorated to the point where the main discussion revolves around logistics – kids, work, housework, weekend activities etc – the thought of 30 minutes a day talking together about something else is quite terrifying.  Even in a good relationship habit and time pressures can sidetrack discussion to logistics leaving little time to really know your partner.  15 hours per week is the goal - I remember reading that somewhere and it seems reasonable (the average Australian watches 26-28 hours per week of television) but remember the journey of a thousand steps starts with the first step so start small and build on your success.

And just so you know that it is possible I thought I would share with you how my husband, Brett and I implemented the 15 hours per week in our relationship.  Firstly it was a really conscious effort.  We both needed to make changes to our routines to make it happen.  And of course there are the weeks when it all goes pear shaped!!  But when that happens we regroup, reassess and begin again the following week.

So here is approximately how we do it. Each weekday we spend about an hour together depending on when we wake between 5.30 and 6.30 over coffee in bed.  This was really hard for me at first as I am not a morning person.  Brett is a morning person – always has been - and often jokes that he needs to get the coffee into me before he gets any sense out of me.  But when we looked at our schedules this was really the only time we could add into our day.  Brett, on his part, rescheduled his exercise to after our time and adjusted the time he started work to compensate.  (5 hours per week)

In the evenings after work we often spend about 30 min together while one of us (usually Brett) cooks dinner talking about our day.  (2.5 hours per week)

Every Thursday is date night. From 7 to about 9.30 we either go to a local restaurant or get take away and stay home without any distractions such as television. (2.5 hours per week) The staying home “date night” is something we started when the kids were small so we could save on babysitters but we have always made it like a real date – no distractions.

The final 5 hours are over the weekend through extended coffee in bed, evening drinks on the deck or taking opportunities to do other activities together - we have become really good at opportunistic time – taking opportunities as they arise eg when we both work from home we will have lunch together. Or an example from last weekend we went together to pick up one of Brett’s e-bay purchases (a topic for another whole blog!!) about an hour drive away and had breakfast on the way home.  We have also a few fun activities that we do together such as play golf together at least monthly and try to have a weekend away at least every year (6 months if we are lucky).

And most importantly to do all of that we have not compromised on family, exercise, friends, hobbies, work or anything else important to us.  We have prioritised us and look forward to the time together.

So you have made the time now what? Stay tuned for my next blog what does 1 on 1 time really mean?

Family Fun is not Optional

Whoever said "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" had it partly right.  Add to dull ( funny word but I take it to mean boring): disconnected, lonely and unhappy and you are getting closer to the truth. But in our busy and over scheduled modern world I have noticed a a growing tendency to forget to schedule time for play or to schedule it and then bump it as something "more important" comes up.

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Leave Relationship Pain Behind

I’ve been called a Marriage Saver…like it’s a bad thing!

A while ago a person dear to me, accused me of being a marriage saver – I say accused as she was angry that I would suggest that from my point of view, there were still things of value to treasure in her relationship.  What she wanted from me was to agree with her that it was time to leave and get over it.  I was not telling her what to do at all.  I believe we all have to travel our own paths – create our own journey.  But sometimes when we are drowning in a sea of pain and the source of that pain is our relationship it is very difficult to see beyond the next wave.

Just like a caterpillar struggles out of it’s cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly, often for something to reach its true beautiful potential a struggle needs to occur. In working with couples where there has been an affair, or years of ongoing pain, I have seen time and again it is the greatest struggles that yield the most amazing results. So, to me, a relationship is never “dead on arrival”.  The first thing I do is look for the heartbeat and know that when I find that heartbeat (and it is always there) – anything is possible from there.

The relationship is the space between the two people in it and both are responsible for what this space looks like.  If a relationship is struggling or in pain and you want it to be different the only option is to change.  This is the hard part.  It requires you both to get out of your comfort zone, be willing to be afraid as you face a different future and learn what you need to get you there.

I am not a “marriage saver” – I wish it were that simple.  But perhaps all that may be required for you to save your own relationship is a bit of help to make that change.  I have often wondered why we will use an accountant to ensure that we maximise our tax return, or a golf-Pro to improve our handicap but the thought of help to make our most important relationships the best they can be makes us feel like a failure.  The fact is we all learn our relationship skills from the people we see around us from birth.  If they were good at relationships then we were lucky and may have some skills that will hold us well over time.  If they struggled, unfortunately we are behind from the start and need to catch up.  We cannot live what we do not know.

Catriona xx


How Men Can Survive Couples Counselling

A while ago I was trawling through the internet for relationship gems, as I do, and I came across an old article from "The Age" Newspaper written by a journalist named Seamus Bradley.  Now I don't know Seamus but I really liked his perspective on men and couples counselling and thought I would share it with you here.

In the 9 years since the article was written, women are still the main initiators of divorce and are more likely to seek help for relationship issues whether their partner goes with them or not.  Unfortunately it has also been shown that women who seek individual counselling for relationship issues are more likely to leave the relationship.  This could be because it is the person who is receiving the counselling is learning and growing and changing while their partner is not and they grow apart.  But anecdotally I also know of occasions where counsellors seeing only one person in the couple, have encouraged it - the view being that if your partner is causing you this much pain you are better off leaving him.  This individual perspective does not consider the complexity of a couple's relationship space and what each person in the couple contributes to it.  This relationship space can only be worked on with both partner's present.

So men don't put your head in the sand  - be present, learn and grow together...take comfort from Seamus and go for it.  You have nothing to lose and you may just gain more than you can imagine.

Catriona xx

How men can survive couple counselling

The four little words "we need to talk" frighten men more than anything else. But it doesn’t have to be that way, writes Seamus Bradley in "The Age" newspaper August 7, 2003

Many years ago, my mother discovered through therapy that "dysfunctional" was a synonym for "family" and within a year she and my father had split - despite the best efforts of a couple counsellor.

Nearly 20 years later, my father told me he had no idea why she left. He loved her, he said. "I just can’t understand it."

For years, my siblings and I had been convinced that breaking up was the best thing they had ever done for each other (and for us), but that one small piece of information placed our belief in doubt.

I told my mother, as delicately as I could, and she said: "Well, he never told me".

This kind of situation is the basis of all drama. Characters who fail to communicate properly act out of their assumptions with disastrous consequences. It has spawned a million novels, movies, plays and a self-help publishing phenomenon with catchy titles and a single important message: learn to communicate.

Every day, people just plain misunderstand each other. Women either know this better than men or are usually more willing to talk about it.

Though the culture has evolved since my parents’ break-up, human nature has not. Nevertheless, an increasing number of men are taking up the challenge of counselling - often as the result of a last-ditch, let’s-save-this-relationship-or-I’m-outta-here ultimatum.

Many men go kicking and screaming (if only internally) to couple counselling. What’s the point of all this yammering, we think, haven’t we talked about the issues endlessly for years? Anyway, couldn’t messing with men’s heads produce soulless, Stepford husbands or worse, something neurotic that just won’t shut up - like Woody Allen?

Among the reasons my parents split was my father’s unwillingness to take part fully in counselling. He did go along to a few meetings but quit when it became uncomfortable. And there’s nothing surer than couple counselling will get uncomfortable, especially for the bloke. For a start, the whole thing is conducted in a language men find painful - plain English. No frills, no evasions, no escape.

You will hear lots of stuff about yourself you won’t want to know, but the most awful thing you encounter will be encouragement to talk about how you feel. And bad as that may feel, that’s a good thing.

Men are rarely encouraged to talk about how we feel, so we take it as a golden opportunity. Let fly. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and you make more progress.

It’s best to admit early on that you have feelings, even if only microscopic ones. And replacing "I think" with "I feel" can have a profound outcome on how arguments are curtailed and issues resolved.

For instance, saying "I think you are trying to annoy me" can cause a fight, but saying "I feel you are trying to annoy me" is not debatable. No one can tell you what you feel.

And there’s another way to get all that talk to stop sooner rather than later. Remember to say "me" and "I" when you mean "me" or "I".

Sure, everyone in the room knows you mean yourself when you say something like: "You get a real bad feeling when things go haywire".

But they like you to own the feeling (I’m not making this stuff up, honest). Not arguing about it saves time, which in turn saves money because you get to the issue earlier, which means it can get sorted out quicker.

With the help of a skilled counsellor, you might even discover that what you’ve been arguing about isn’t the issue at all. There are two sides to every story but the truth is rarely anywhere in the middle; it’s probably about to hit you from behind with a baseball bat.

For instance, couples often invent a shorthand and make assumptions. Discussing your issues with a trained counsellor means the counsellor can interject, asking what one or other of you mean by a phrase you both commonly use. Explaining in plain English allows your partner to grasp, often for the first time, what you were really saying all along.

When you’re wrong (and boy, will you ever be) admit it, deal with it and move on. (If you think your partner is wrong say: "I feel you’re wrong there.")

Don’t lie. Even if there’s no way you’ll get found out, it’s still a waste of time and money. Men have issues, too (shock, horror), so make sure you talk about things from your point of view. You’ll get better at this with practice and get more out of the sessions, too. If you’re angry say "I feel angry" about whatever it is.

If you don’t like the counsellor, feel they are incompetent or think he or she is working against you as an individual or as a couple, get a new one (but discuss it with your partner first: "I feel the counsellor is working against us," etc). If it’s only a ruse to delay getting to the issues, don’t bother.

And it’s not all talk (whew!). There’ll be plenty of ideas of what to do to improve your relationship and - though the whole thing does feel like a wrench - you will acquire the "tools" and strategies to repair the relationship all by yourself (I’m still not making it up).

Though they never really managed it in their own marriage, my parents knew what the priorities should be. They exhorted us to communicate, to compromise and to work on our relationships.

But nobody ever really says straight out how hard it is to have a contented, successful relationship or that it doesn’t happen the way it’s portrayed in the movies, a happy accident clinched with a kiss.

Mostly that’s because, at their heart, relationships are as baffling as the individuals in them. So while counselling can bring clarity, restore happiness or make you realise the person you first dated hasn’t changed that much after all, there’s no magic relationship-by-numbers formula, no instant resolutions. There’s only goodwill, time, effort and - the essential ingredient - fun.

But even if you break up after all that counselling, you will have had the chance to gain tremendously. If you go with it, chances are you will be more communicative, less inclined to trust to dumb luck, know how to break destructive habits and be far more able to manage relationship issues on your own.

You will also have had the satisfaction of having said everything you wanted to say, maybe even resolved a few things. Sure, there may be regrets, but you won’t be left wondering years later, as my father was, how it all went wrong.

In a relationship fix? Get it fixed

Fact 1:Failure to communicate is taking its toll on men’s physical and emotional health resulting in high rates of depression and suicide.

Fact 2:Women initiate up to 70 per cent of break-ups.

Rosalie Pattenden, a senior psychologist with Relationships Australia, says such facts show "that some men have to make changes in the way they relate or they’ll lose their families".

Only a minority of Australian couples - between 15 and 20 per cent - have attended relationship counselling but, despite a traditional male view that couple counselling is shameful or a sign of failure, many men are taking up the challenge.

Pattenden says men still trail women in initiating counselling but the gap has narrowed from 100 per cent a couple of decades ago to about 8 per cent now.

The change is due to an ongoing transformation in male attitudes and to changes in counselling methods, she says.

Today most people realise that counsellors are like consultants in that they "resource you to make your own choices and to find your own way", she says.

Most couples find counselling strengthens their relationship - sometimes making it healthier than it has ever been.

"They learn to understand each other better, to know where each other is coming from, to meet each other’s needs better and to find ways to sort out their own problems." Such turnarounds happen even after affairs and violence, she says.

Pattenden would like to see couples go to counselling the way they go to the motor-mechanic, at the first sign of trouble and for regular servicing.

"Sometimes it’s not until men lose their families that they see that it was really the emotional wellspring of their life," Pattenden says.

Relationships Australia: 9835 7570; Men’s Line Australia: 1300 789 978; Lifeline: 131 114.

And Of course Catriona at connection101

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net